Monday, 17 December 2012

10 Brainteasers to Test Your Mental Sharpness

10 Brainteasers to Test Your Mental Sharpness

To test your mental acuity, answer the following questions (no peeking at the answers!):

1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

2. A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

4. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?

5. What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?

6. Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

7. In British Columbia you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

8. If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

9. Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg is white” or “The yolk of the egg are white?”

10. A farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in another. How many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field?


Saturday, 15 December 2012

(Image) The Flow Diagram Of Life

(Image) The Flow Diagram Of Life

By on July 8, 2012
The Flow Diagram Of LifeFor those who are chasing an answer to happiness and change, here is a Flow Diagram Of Life.
Very simple, yet so profound.

A Simple Flow Diagram Of Life

Flow Diagram Of Life

3 Proven Ways To Attract Wealth Quickly

3 Proven Ways To Attract Wealth Quickly

Having an abundant mindset is the next best thing to having a million dollars in your hands. Why? Because it could get you that million dollars... and a whole lot more!
Have you tried observing or studying millionaires? These people are undoubtedly living the good life. Now, they don't waste their precious time thinking that they would never amount to anything.
In most cases, people like them actually have a very positive outlook towards life. And believe it or not, you also have the opportunity to live that way.  You may not be the son of a tycoon or the daughter of a world-renowned fashion designer; but if you have an abundant mindset, all the benefits that come with being rich and successful will fall easily onto your lap.
Here are some of the different ways you can encourage an abundant mindset. 

1) Read books dealing with wealth and success stories.
Reading nourishes your mind. If all you do is read about how bad the economy is and how you're never going to get to the top, what kind of images do you think your mind will conjure up? You definitely won't encourage an abundant mindset that way.
Whereas if you keep yourself inspired with a lot of financial motivation and success stories, you'll not only learn which strategies work, you'll also be setting yourself up for the same kind of success.
There are many titles in bookstores these days that you can choose from. One book I highly recommend to develop an abundant mindset is "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker.  The "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series by Robert Kiyosaki can also shift your mindset dramatically towards attaining financial success. I say grab a copy of the one that appeals to you best and start reading!

2) Give yourself time to appreciate what you have.
We're always busy these days. No longer do we have time to take a stroll around the block, nor do we have time to just sit down and enjoy the scenery.
But the truth is, the key to having an abundant mindset is sitting with yourself and being grateful for all the blessings you are experiencing in your life right now. Why don't you start make a list of all the good things you have in your life?
Even if it's just having cereal this morning, write it down. There are some people who actually try to create a month-long happy list in their journals. Everyday, they must write something down that made them happy.
At the end of each month, you'll be surprised to see just how much you can be thankful for. Doing this exercise helps hone the perspective that you are always blessed. Life offers us simple pleasures. Let's not waste them.

3) Be generous.
Don't be a penny pincher. Having such a tight hold on your purse strings is sending out a message to everyone (even yourself) that you don't have any, and will not have any, money to spend.
Not that you should give away all your priceless possessions to the next homeless guy you see, but you should at least know when to give and when to treat yourself.
Every once in a while, why not treat yourself to a nice and relaxing massage? Think of it as an investment. When your body has had its rest, you tend to be more productive and more eager to get back to work. Or why not treat your friends to coffee one of these days? Better yet, why not donate to your favorite charity? If you have the opportunity, don't let it slip away.
Someday, those same people might return the favor. So don't hold out on other people, even on yourself. And hey, even if they don't repay you, the universe will.
There are a lot of people who try to save every last  penny, haggling to death with a vendor even when they know they can easily afford the product. Just think of it this way. Money rotates. The more unwilling you are to part with your money, the more unwilling it will be to return to you. 
However, you should not confuse being generous with being a lavish spender. Giving yourself a treat once in a while, or sharing your blessings with other people, is a great way to attract wealth. But improper budgeting, impulse buying or compulsive spending can make you go broke before you realize it.
Having an abundant mindset will open up a lot of wonderful opportunities for you. It will enable you to develop a different perspective of the world, give you room for more creative ideas, and help usher in a lot of good vibes in general.
And don't worry. It's easy enough to ease yourself into the abundant mindset. You don't have to go through a rigorous personality change. Just remember to surround yourself with positive energy, appreciate what you have, and be more giving to others and yourself.

5 Things That Really Smart People Do

5 Things That Really Smart People Do

Don't get in the way of your own learning. Here are five ways to step aside and continue to increase your smarts.


Most people don't really think much about how they learn. Generally you assume learning comes naturally. You listen to someone speak either in conversation or in a lecture and you simply absorb what they are saying, right? Not really. In fact, I find as I get older that real learning takes more work. The more I fill my brain with facts, figures, and experience, the less room I have for new ideas and new thoughts. Plus, now I have all sorts of opinions that may refute the ideas being pushed at me. Like many people I consider myself a lifelong learner, but more and more I have to work hard to stay open minded.
But the need for learning never ends, so your desire to do so should always outweigh your desire to be right. The world is changing and new ideas pop up everyday; incorporating them into your life will keep you engaged and relevant. The following are the methods I use to stay open and impressionable. They'll work for you too. No matter how old you get.

1. Quiet Your Inner Voice

You know the one I am talking about. It's the little voice that offers a running commentary when you are listening to someone. It's the voice that brings up your own opinion about the information being provided. It is too easy to pay more attention to the inner voice than the actual speaker. That voice often keeps you from listening openly for good information and can often make you shut down before you have heard the entire premise. Focus less on what your brain has to say and more on the speaker. You may be surprised at what you hear.

2. Argue With Yourself

If you can't quiet the inner voice, then at least use it to your advantage. Every time you hear yourself contradicting the speaker, stop and take the other point of view. Suggest to your brain all the reasons why the speaker may be correct and you may be wrong. In the best case you may open yourself to the information being provided. Failing that, you will at least strengthen your own argument.

3. Act Like You Are Curious

Some people are naturally curious and others are not. No matter which category you are in you can benefit from behaving like a curious person. Next time you are listening to information, make up and write down three to five relevant questions. If you are in a lecture, Google them after for answers. If you are in a conversation you can ask the other person. Either way you'll likely learn more, and the action of thinking up questions will help encode the concepts in your brain. As long as you're not a cat you should benefit from these actions of curiosity.

4. Find the Kernel of Truth

No concept or theory comes out of thin air. Somewhere in the elaborate concept that sounds like complete malarkey there is some aspect that is based upon fact. Even if you don't buy into the idea, you should at least identify the little bit of truth from whence it came. Play like a detective and build your own extrapolation. You'll enhance your skills of deduction and may even improve the concept beyond the speaker's original idea.

5. Focus on the Message Not the Messenger

Often people shut out learning due to the person delivering the material. Whether it's a boring lecturer, someone physically unappealing, or a member of the opposite political party, the communicator can impact your learning. Even friends can disrupt the learning process since there may be too much history and familiarity to see them as an authority on a topic. Separate the material from the provider. Pretend you don't know the person or their beliefs so you can hear the information objectively. As for the boring person, focus on tip two, three, or four as if it were a game, thereby creating your own entertainment.

The Top 10 Things Successful People Do To Reach Their Dreams

The Top 10 Things Successful People Do To Reach Their Dreams

By on December 15, 2011
Our bookshelves are lined with habits that successful people do on a daily basis. We read about them and implement them into our routines and practices. Quite often these practices improve our productivity and make our lives better as a result. But that’s not what this article is about. It’s not about what successful people do, but what they did.
Here’s a brief study of 10 things that these hungry and unstoppable people did to see the success they all eventually achieved.

The 10 Things Successful People Live By Before They Make It

1. They didn’t use excuses.

We all have two voices. There’s the voice that tells us to work hard, to focus on the task at hand and to finish it before we move on to the next. And to finish it well.
We also have the voice that tells us to take a break, to think about what’s on TV, or to visit a site that we like to visit that entertains us – whether it’s or facebook.
In life we’re the victim of injustice from time to time. It could be a promotion that we deserve but don’t get. No matter who we are, we’re going to be treated unfairly at some point. We can either feel sorry for ourselves, or push forward and put it behind us – even use it as motivation.
Nelson Mandela could have used his unjust imprisonment as an excuse to give into his anger. Instead, he used it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually free others.
Listen to your excuses. Understand why you have them. Then figure out how you can use them for good.

2. It wasn’t just about them.

‘Things’ can be a motivator, they can even be a reward, but they can’t be the motivator. The truly successful in life always get there because they created change in the lives of others, not just their own.
If something drives you that is greater than just the ‘ends’, we’re going to work harder, longer, and we’re going to give more of ourselves to our project.
Yes we can make money when we have the primary goal of making money. Some might even use that money for good – which is awesome. But there’s no fulfillment in simply making money. And isn’t that the point?

3. Early mornings and late nights.

People who have achieved true success in their lives have worked for it.
This might come at the detriment of other areas of their lives, such as family or social life. But their mission is first and foremost. Until it’s complete, everything else comes second.
There’s literally no substitute for hard work. Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait… but only the things left by those who hustle.” If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to out hustle everyone else.

4. The greatest commodity.

Energy is a huge commodity that is often not talked about. Yes, energy in the sense of fuel and electricity is talked about everywhere, but I’m talking about our own energy levels.
The fact is that the more energy we have, the easier it is to focus, and the higher the quality of our work is.
One of Richard Branson‘s ‘key’s to success’ is staying in great physical shape. So would raised energy levels be the greatest benefit to working out? It may be.
Keeping physically fit gives us greater blood-flow to our brain, enhanced alertness and improved focus. Make training a routine part of your life and increase your chances at success – in every meaning of the word.

5. Principles.

History will be kind to me. For I intend to write it.
Winston Churchill had principles. The difference between him and the rest of us, is that he stuck to his principles at all costs. He didn’t waver when they weren’t popular – an extreme rarity in politics.
What are your principles? All of us should have them, know what they are, and live our lives by them.
One of Apple’s principles is to bring change to the world through technology, and they do it with every product they release.
Identify what principles you have that guide your life through tough times, and when things couldn’t be any better. They shouldn’t change, and at your core, neither should you.

6. Wavering, yet unbreakable faith.

We all have moments of doubt. Even the best of us question if our dream is going to come true. The one thing that separates the truly successful from those who never reach their true potential is an unbreakable faith in the fact that what they’re doing is right.
Even if they have moments of doubt, they’re soon quelled, where other’s listen to that doubt and let it eat them up and finally they quit.
Have your moments of doubt. You’re human. Just don’t let that doubt eat you up. Instead let it motivate you to prove your optimism right.

7. A reason.

Many of the greatest accomplishments in the world were accomplished by insecure men and women, people who had something to prove to others. A desire to elevate their status and create change that was so strong, that failure is simply never and option.
Abraham Lincoln‘s reason(s) had to do a lot with his view of himself in relation to how other’s viewed him. Where others saw a poor, illiterate boy, Lincoln saw someone capable of achieving more, even if he had to do it completely on his own. He also saw the need for change. A nation that preached freedom wasn’t free. He saw something fundamentally wrong with this and set out to change it. His why wasn’t about him. Which in turn made him one of history’s great men.
Understand why. You have that reason to work when others sleep, to sacrifice a safe life for a risky one with no ceiling. Find it by asking why, and not stopping until you hit your core, emotional reason for wanting to change your status, or the status of others.

8. They persevered when others didn’t.

How does the guy who quit on his dream know how long it would’ve taken him to become a success? He doesn’t. None of us do. It could be tomorrow, or ten years from now.
What separates a lot of the great people we read about in our history books from those we’ve never heard of is the fact that they never quit. Quitting was never an option. They only stopped when they reached their dream. And even then, they created a new mission.
Take James J. Braddock, or even Nelson Mandela, for example. They didn’t achieve their greatness or success early on in their careers or in life like some. They achieved it after surviving. They survived while others literally died, or quit. In their cases it wasn’t just that they were the best, but they were the best because of what they endured. They were the last one’s standing.
We don’t know when our breakthrough will come. So don’t guarantee your failure by quitting. You can adapt, change, and evolve, but never, never, never quit.

9. Great people relentlessly studied their craft.

Tony Gwynn and Mike Tyson studied their craft as much as anyone. Gwynn spent hours upon hours studying opposing pitchers. He studied their patterns. He wasn’t the most athletic guy around, but he put his work in to be the best at what he did: hit baseballs.
When people think of Tyson, they think of an animal, but what we fail to see is the student. No one studied boxing like Tyson did. Watched more film than anyone in the history of the sport. He was a student first, a fighter second.
These great athletes studied film, but how can we perfect our craft?
Using myself as an example; much of my job has to do with writing, and obviously fitness. So, I study those two things. I read books about how to become a better writer, ways to connect with the reader, and I simply read great books written by authors who are much better at writing than I am. If you’re in sales, read and study sales. If you’re a marketer, then do the same with marketing.
Being a drone that simply goes through the motions is no way to achieve greatness. Assuming success is something you want, you have to study your craft, whatever it may be. Learn it inside and out. Build a wealth of knowledge. It’ll help you create great, inspiring, and unique work.

10. Risk.

No risk, no reward. Yes it’s an over-used, cliché of a phrase. But it’s true. Those who have achieved real success have often risked the most to get there.
There have been billions of people throughout history who have had the ability to achieve greatness, whether it was the talent or smarts, they had it. What they didn’t have was the guts to risk the life that they were living. They also didn’t have the work ethic to see their talent realized.
The greatest tragedy in life is wasted talent ~ A Bronx Tale
Your big, audacious dream might be to marry the girl of your dreams and have a family with her. You risk might be to leave the career that you love in order to support her and your family. Your dream might be to help millions live longer, healthier lives. Whatever your dream is, give it enough of a chance to be realized.
Risk if you truly want to see the reward.

Find your dream. Then risk everything to get it.

(Images) 15 Highly Inspirational Picture Quotes To Live By

(Images) 15 Highly Inspirational Picture Quotes To Live By

By on December 5, 2012
Running Picture QuoteHere is an exclusive collection of inspirational picture quotes guaranteed to empower you with positivity and strength.
Please share these around and we hope you enjoy them.

Inspirational Picture Quotes To Live By

Walt Disney Success Inspiration Picture Quote

Hope Life Henry Ford Picture Quote




Life Quote Picture Quote


Gym Motivation Picture Quote


Be-Happy-inspirational-picture-quote - Sofia Ajram






21 Things That Beat Your New Year's Resolution

21 Things That Beat Your New Year's Resolution

These goals are probably easier to accomplish than that new diet--and they're likely more rewarding, too.
Archive Photos/getty


The main problem with deciding on a New Year's resolution is the waiting part.
Why put off doing something you really want to do until a certain day? Anything worth doing is worth declaring and doing now.
Every statement listed below is based on an action--an action you're probably not taking. That's why knocking these off could pay greater dividends than almost anything currently on your to-do list.
And each is a lot easier to accomplish than some grand, sweeping, hopefully-life-changing-but-in-the-end-you-never-manage-to-accomplish New Year's resolution:
1. "That wasn't nearly as bad as I thought..."
The most paralyzing fear is fear of the unknown. (At least it is for me.)
Nothing ever turns out to be as hard or as scary as you think.
Plus it's incredibly exciting to overcome a fear. You'll get that "I can't believe I jumped out of an airplane!" rush, an amazing feeling you haven't experienced for too long.
2. "It's totally my fault."
People make mistakes. So we blame them for our problems.
But we are almost always to blame, too. Maybe we didn't provide enough training. Maybe we didn't foresee a potential problem. Maybe we asked too much, too soon. We did or did not do something we could have.
Take responsibility instead: Not in a masochistic, woe is me way, but in an empowering way. Take responsibility and then focus on being smarter or better or faster or more creative next time.
3. "I finally got started!"
You have plans. You have goals. You have ideas.
Who cares? You have nothing until you actually do something.
Every day, we let hesitation and uncertainty stop us from acting on our ideas. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure often stops me and may be what stops you, too.
Pick one plan, one goal, or one idea. And get started. Do something. Do anything. Just take one small step.
The first step is by far the hardest. Every successive step will be a lot easier.
4. "You're awesome."
No one receives enough praise. No one. Pick someone who did something well and tell them.
And feel free to go back in time. Saying, "I was just thinking about how you handled that project last year" can make just as positive an impact today as it would have then. Maybe a little more impact, because you still remember what happened a year later.
Surprise praise is a gift that costs the giver nothing but is priceless to the recipient.
5. "I'll show you, --hole."
I'm ashamed to admit it, but one of the best ways to motivate me is to insult me--or for me to manufacture a way to feel insulted, regardless of whether I'm justified in feeling that way or not.
See, whether I'm justified in feeling slighted or angry is not the point. I use rejection to fuel my motivation to do whatever it takes to prove that person wrong and, more importantly, achieve what I want to achieve.
Call it manufactured anger. Call it artificial competition. Call it, shoot, childish and immature. I don't care--it works for me.
And it can work for you.
So don't turn the other mental cheek. Get pissed off, even if your anger is unjustified and imaginary--in fact, especially if your anger is unjustified or angry--because that will help shake you out of your same thing, different day rut.
6. "Can you help me?"
Asking someone for help instantly recognizes their skills and values and conveys your respect and admiration.
That's reason enough to ask someone to help you. The fact you will get the help you need is icing on the achievement cake.
7. "Can I help you?"
Then flip it around. Many people see asking for help as a sign of weakness so they hesitate. Yet we can all use help.
But don't just say, "Is there anything I can help you with?" Most people will automatically say, "No, I'm all right."
Be specific. Say, "I've got a few minutes, can I help you finish that?" Offer in a way that feels collaborative, not patronizing or gratuitous.
And then actually help. You'll make a real difference in someone's life--and you'll take a solid step towards creating a connection with that person.
8. "I just did something no one else is willing to do."
Pick one thing other people aren't willing to do. Pick something simple. Pick something small. Whatever it is, do it.
Instantly you're a little different from the rest of the pack.
Then keep going. Every day do one thing no one else is willing to do. After a week you'll be uncommon. After a month, you'll be special.
After a year you'll be incredible, and you won't be like anyone else.
You'll be you.
9. "I don't care what other people think."
Most of the time you should worry about what other people think--but not if it stands in the way of living the life you really want to live.
If you really want to start a business but you're worried that people might think you're crazy, F 'em. If you really want to change careers but you're afraid of what people might think, F 'em. If you really want to start working out but you're afraid people at the gym will think you're fat or out of shape, F 'em.
Pick one thing you haven't tried simply because you're worried about what other people think--and just go do it.
It's your life. Live it. F 'em.
10. "They're no different than me."
Incredibly successful people don't necessarily succeed because they're smarter or more talented or somehow genetically gifted.
The only thing that makes them different from you is the fact they have done what you haven't done... yet.
You can be them. You can be better than them.
11. "I'm really sorry."
We've all screwed up. We all have things we need to apologize for: Words. Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive.
Pick someone you need to apologize to--the more time that's passed between the day it happened and today, the better.
But don't follow up your apology with a disclaimer like, "But I was really upset..." or, "I thought you were..." or any statement that in any way places even the tiniest amount of blame back on the other person.
Say you're sorry, say why you're sorry, and take all the blame. Then you'll both be in a better place.
12. "I'm the king of the world!"
Maybe Leo was on to something. According to Harvard professor Amy Cuddy, two minutes of power posing--standing tall, holding your arms out or towards the sky, or standing like Superman with your hands on hips--will dramatically increase your confidence.
Try it before you step into a situation where you know you'll feel nervous, insecure, or intimidated. (Just make sure no one is watching.)
It may sound freaky but it works.
13. "Yes."
You're busy. Your plate is full. There are plenty of reasons to sit tight, stay safe, keep things as they are. But that also means tomorrow will be just like today.
Say yes to something different. Say yes to something scary. Say yes to the opportunity you're most afraid of.
When you say yes, you're really saying, "I trust myself."
Trust yourself.
14. "No."
Still, you can't do everything. You can't help everyone. You may want to but you can't.
Sometimes you just need to say no: to a favor, to a request, to a family member. Sometimes you really need to be able to focus on what is important to you.
Say no at least once before the end of the month--the harder to say, the better.
And don't worry if you feel selfish: When your heart is in the right place, what you accomplish by spending more time on your goals will eventually benefit other people too.
15. "You're fired."
Maybe there's an employee you really need to let go but haven't. Or maybe there's a customer, or a vendor, or even just a friend.
Sometimes the best addition starts with subtraction. Pick someone who is dragging you down or holding you back, and let them go.
16. "It's not perfect--and that's okay."
Yeah, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Yeah, perfection is the only acceptable outcome.
Unfortunately, no product or service is ever perfect, and no project or initiative is perfectly planned.
Work hard, do great work, and let it fly. Your customers will tell you what needs to be improved--which means you'll get to make improvements that actually matter.
You can't find out until you let go.
You can't really do anything until you let go.
17. "That's not my job--but who cares?"
Job descriptions are fine until they get in the way of getting things done.
No matter what your role or what you've accomplished, you're never too good to roll up your sleeves, get dirty, and do a little grunt work. No job is ever too menial, no task too unskilled or boring.
The next time you see something that needs to be done, do it.
18. "Maybe I should do it that way."
Sure, we're all individuals. (Okay, I'm not.) We should always set our own courses and follow our own paths--most of the time.
Sometimes, the best thing to do is copy what made someone else successful. Pick someone who has accomplished what you would like to accomplish, and follow that path.
One time, don't try to reinvent a perfectly good wheel.
19. "Jeez, that was stupid. We should do it again!"
Sometimes the dumbest things result in our fondest memories: The time you and two employees stayed up all night loading trucks and listening to every Zeppelin album in order; the time you and another employee drove all night so you could arrive at the customer's warehouse first thing the next morning to sort defective product; the time you and a crew stayed in the plant all weekend during a snowstorm, sleeping on cots and eating vending machine food and cranking out orders...
Each happened over 20 years ago, but my memories are vivid.
Do something seemingly stupid or outrageous or crazy--the harder, the better. You probably won't love it while it's happening, but the result will be doing something cool and creating a memory that will always make you smile.
20. "Hi, Mom!"
Your parents love you. They want the best for you. They will always be there for you.
They won't be around forever. Call them.
21. Nothing.
Self talk is awesome, but sometimes, at the end of a day when you've worked incredibly hard and kicked serious ass and still made time for friends and family and done everything possible to make sure all the important pieces of your world are in place and taken care of...
...Look in the mirror, smile, and just nod at the person looking back.
Sometimes the best way to end a great day is with a silent acknowledgement of achievement and, more importantly, fulfillment.

8 Well Known Entrepreneurs Who Made A Quick Million Dollars

8 Well Known Entrepreneurs Who Made A Quick Million Dollars

By on December 4, 2012
make a million dollars fastPeople often say that being an entrepreneur and starting a home business is difficult. That it often takes incredibly hard work, a little start-up capital, long hours, and heroic levels of courage and self-reliance.
That may be true for 99% of entrepreneurs, but every once in a while someone completely bucks the trend and achieves success overnight seemingly effortlessly. One thing they do have however, is a very good idea, filling a gap in the market that their customers were crying out for.
These people achieved success lightning quick, making a fortune in their first month of trading. Many with a home business, without much start-up capital, or support. Some of them took longer than a month to set-up their business, but from the moment they started trading, or attempted to monetize their business, they made over a million dollars in their first month.

8 well-known entrepreneurs who made a million dollars in their first month of business

David Karp

David Karp TumblrHeard of Tumblr? There can’t be many people left on the planet who hasn’t. David started Tumblr with his own hard earned savings, without any investment in 2007.
It has been a long road to get to this point, but up until now Tumblr has still not been monetized. However, there are a number of well-known brands such as MTV set to sign up for Tumblr advertisements. In real terms though, David Karp made millions instantly, as his net worth was in the millions as soon as Tumblr took off. Not bad for a 26 year old who started a home business from his own means.

Ben Lerer

Ben Lerer ThrillistWhile many of the tech entrepreneurs around are theoretical millionaires who have so far just had funding rather than actual revenue, this guy really is the real deal. Ben Lerer founded Thrillist, an amazingly simple concept that sounds like someone really should have thought of it earlier, but the very best ideas often do share this trait. It’s simply an online newsletter that allows advertisers to connect to people in a specific city. It has millions of subscribers, and plenty of companies willing to pay to reach them.
It initially earned $50k per annum, and took off almost instantly, netting Ben his first million within a month of trading.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg Millionaire BillionaireOkay, I know, his story has been done to death. There’s even a Hollywood movie about it. But you cannot make a list about people earning a million fast and not include Mark Zuckerberg. Especially since he’s now worth tens of billions of dollars, even after the disastrous Facebook IPO. As soon as Facebook started monetizing, mark made a million instantly.
As with many tech starts ups of this kind, Mark Zuckerberg was a millionaire the very moment he had a great idea and put it on the web.

Victor Kislyi

Victor Kislyi World Of TanksAlthough Victor’s company had been around for awhile before it developed it’s first commercial game, as soon as the game launched he became a millionaire. The game in question was Massive Assault for the PC.
In 2010 Victor Kislyi launched World of Tanks, which has gone on to be a huge success, making him a multi millionaire. He was so flush with cash, that he decided to fund a dig to excavate British RAF Spitfires that were buried during WW2.

Matthew Corrin

Matthew Corrin FreshiiMatthew Corrin’s story is quite extraordinary, in that the hype he managed to create around his fresh produce was almost too much. When Matthew opened Freshii, a company that sells fresh, healthy fast food, he had queues around the block, and sold out of produce before lunch.
Within his first month of opening he was one healthy millionaire.

Ben Kaufman

Ben Kaufman QuirkyBen Kaufman launched Quirky when he was barely in his twenties, he couldn’t have imagined it would take off so quickly. His idea to get readers to vote on whether or not an upcoming product was a good idea was revolutionary. As with most millionaires of this type, as soon as his website went live he was instantly worth millions.

Markus Persson

Markus Persson MinecraftThe second games developer on our list, ‘Markus Persson‘ made the amazingly simple, but fiendishly addictive game Minecraft. Minecraft had a passionate following even before it’s official launch due to a very popular tech demo. As soon as it did, Marcus became an instant millionaire. He’s currently estimated to be worth around $15 million dollars.
Not bad for a home business run by one man until very recently.

Junaid Shams & Ahmed Khattak

Junaid Shams & Ahmed Khattak GSM NationThese two are listed together because they shared the same brilliant idea. GSM Nation. With around $150,000 dollars of start-up capital, and some investment from Yale Entrepreneurial Institute, they came up with a way to offer their customers phones without getting locked down into a contract.
It made Junaid & Ahmed millions in revenue almost instantly

5 Reasons Leadership Falls Flat

5 Reasons Leadership Falls Flat

Although these errors are surprisingly common, they're easily overcome. Here's how.
Falling - Man falling down


You can read a dozen books on leadership and attend just as many leadership seminars, but your employees won't follow your lead if you make any of these five common errors:

1. Trying to lead before establishing credibility.

People will only follow you if they believe that you know what you're doing. Credibility doesn't come from a job title or your position on the latest organization chart. Neither can it be "willed" into existence simply because you wish it were there.
Fix: Credibility, like trust, can only be earned over time. If you've got a track record of success, you'll need to communicate clearly why that success is still relevant. If you're new to the job, you'll have to grow that credibility from scratch. Good luck!

2. Trying to lead before there's a relationship.

Even if you've got a truckload of credibility, people won't follow your lead if they don't feel a personal connection. If you're the manager, they may obey direct orders so as to keep their jobs, but they won't go the proverbial "extra mile" that true leadership inspires.
Fix: The only way to build relationships is to truly care about them as individuals and frequently showing honest curiosity about them, their ideas and the work that they're doing. This takes time, effort, and one-on-one attention.

3. Having a wildly different belief system.

Conflicting beliefs create conflicting behaviors. It's almost impossible to lead people who hold beliefs that are wildly different from yours. For instance, if employees feel they're "working for the weekend," your leadership won't inspire them to work longer hours.
Fix: Unfortunately, it's impossible to change other people's beliefs. You have two choices: 1) replace your employees with people who share your beliefs, or 2) change your beliefs to match those your employees. (E.g. "Let's get this done and party Friday night!")

4. Having goals that are incompatible.

Leadership is impossible when employees know that a would-be leader will be rewarded even if the employees get the shaft. This is why leadership (other than the obligatory lip-service) is almost non-existent inside large publicly-held corporations.
Fix: If you want to be a real leader, you and your employees must have compatible (although not necessarily identical) compensation plans, career development opportunities, and risk/reward trade-offs.

5. Communicating YOUR way not THEIR way.

If you communicate using words that your employees don't understand or hold in contempt, they cannot and will not follow you. Engineers, for instance, chuckle when managers talk in biz-blab. Similarly, technical jargon alienates business majors.
Fix: Use the vocabulary and style of communication that's most common among your employees, regardless of your natural way of thinking and writing. Think of it like learning the local language when you move to a foreign country.

The Top 10 Famous Multi Million Dollar Bloggers

The Top 10 Famous Multi Million Dollar Bloggers

By on December 12, 2012
Famous BloggersThere are a number of reasons why people may consider starting a blog. To express their thoughts and opinions, to promote or market a product, to help others, or to help yourself. These are some of the more popular reasons why people from all over the world are starting their very own blogs, every single day.
What you may not have known, is that by starting a blog, you could also have the potential to make millions upon millions of dollars. So without any further ado, here are 10 of the most popular, and successful blogs with their net worth in the millions.

10 Successful Multi Million Dollar Blogs

The Huffington Post

The Huffinton PostThe Huffington post is a blog and website based in America, founded by Kenneth Lerer, Andrewe Breitbart, Jonah Peretti, and, Arianna Huffington. The blog offers news, and original content, that covers a vast array of topics. The topics on offer, range from, Politics, Business, Environment, Entertainment, Technology, and much, much more.
The blog was founded back in May 2005, and launched just a few days later. A year later in 2006, a bank invested $5 million into the site. a few years later, thanks to fundraising and various investments, the blog had raised over $15 million. In 2011, AOL acquired the site for $315 million US dollars.
arriana huffington net worth

The net worth of Arianna Huffington and her blog as of 2012 is $35 million USD.


Tech Crunch Net WorthTechCrunch is a blog which offers news, and information on all things that are technology related. TechCrunch was founded and created by Michael Arrington in 2005, and is now affiliated with a number of other websites. This has proved to be an extremely smart financial move on their part. The websites and blogs in question are known as “The TechCrunch network”.
In 2010 Michael arrington sold Tech Crunch to AOL for a whopping $25 million. He recently started a brand new blog called
Michael Arrington Net Worth

Michael Arringtons net worth is currently around $15 million USD.


Gawker Net WorthGawker is a New York City based blog founded by Nick Denton, that offers news and gossip on “all things Manhattan”. It focuses on the media, and celebrity industry. The blog was founded back in 2003.
Over the years, Gawker has acquired a number of high profile investors, as well as loyal customers, so it should come as no surprise to learn, that it is one of the most financially successful blogs in the entire world.

Nick Denton Gawker Net Worth

As of 2012, the net worth of Nick Denton is a little over $100 million USD.


Life Hacker Net WorthLifehacker is a blog about so called “life hacks” which are basically hints and tips to make your day to day life, that little bit easier. It is actually owned by Gawker media and was launched back in 2005.
They are so financially successful thanks to advertising, including landing a lucrative advertising sponsorship with Sony.

Gina Marie LifeHacker Trapani Net Worth

LifeHacker was created by Gina Marie Trapani with an estimated net worth over $109 Million USD.


Mashable Net WorthMashable is a news website and blog founded by then teenager Pete Cashmore in 2005. Mashable is considered one of the best websites and blogs for social media, and is one of the largest websites in the whole world. Mashable was rumoured to have been sold to CNN news for around $200 million earlier in 2012.

Pete cashmore net worth

Pete Cashmore’s net worth is currently at $95 million. Not bad for a teenager, who was working from his home in scotland back in 2005.

Fail Blog

Fail Blog Net WorthFail Blog is a comedy based web blog that was created in 2008 by Ben Huh. It features various comedy mishaps, and acts of stupidity in both photo, and video form. Within 5 months of being launched, fail blog was sold to the popular “Cheezburger inc” company. Their main income comes from advertising, investments, and the more than 1 million visitors every single month, they also launched their very own successful book in 2009, which is still selling extremely well.

Ben Huh Net Worth

The exact net worth of Ben Huh is currently unknown, but it is thought to be well into the millions.

Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine Net WorthThis website and blog offers advice, and resources to web designers and developers. It was founded back in 2006 by Sven Lennartz, and Vitaly Friedman. They evaluate software, and other web based software and tools, targeted at people in the computer industry.
They generate their huge amounts of money thanks to various product advertsing deals, as well as investors and loyal visitors.

Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman net worth

The net worth of these two is again, not common public knowledge, although we do know that it is over $5 million.

Business Insider

Business Insider Net WorthBusiness Insider is a business and entertainment based blog launched in 2009. It was founded by Kevin, P Ryan, and is considered one of the most trusted sources of business information. They have a number of various investors, as well as advertising sources, all keen to advertise their various products on the blog.
They receive more than 5 million visitors to their blog on average, so that should tell you just how popular they really are.

Kevin P Ryan Net Worth

The estimated net worth of Kevin P Ryan, is thought to be close to $3 million.


Engadget Net WorthEngadget is a technology blog network founded by Peter Rojas that covers consumer electronics and technological gadgets. It was noted in “TIME” as being one of the best blogs in all of 2010. They have their own app available to download for a small fee, as well as their very own show. These, as well as lucrative advertising deals, means that Engadget is one of the most financially successful blogs on the planet.

Pete Rojas Net Worth

The net worth of Pete Rojas is just under $3.2 million.

The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast Net WorthThe daily beast is a news and opinion based blog that was founded by Tina Brown in 2008. In 2010 they merged with Newsweek and created the “Newsweek daily beast company”. This proved to be a great financial move by both companies. They also generate large amounts of cash by publishing books known as Beast books, written by various writers at the daily beast company. They average around 3 million visitors each month.

Tina Brown Net Worth

It appears to be quite difficult to track down Tina Brown’s total net worth, however, she is number 77 on the Forbes list of power women, and her net worth is almost certain to be over $100 million.

So there you have it. 10 of the most successful blogs in the entire world. Whether you are looking at helping others by sharing your knowledge, sharing your opinions and thoughts, or making one of the most successful blogs in the entire world, anything is possible if you put your mind to it. The blogs listed above, all started out with nothing, and are now worth millions upon millions. So if they can do it, why can’t you? Until next time.
Thanks for reading.